Govt not Tablighi
Markaz to blame for Pandemics Deaths
Syed Ali Mujtaba

Even after the end of the event some 1,400 people continued
to stay at the "Markaz" making it a ticking time bomb of COIV -19
positive cases. It was detected that some 1033 people were showing symptoms of
COVID-19 and have been evacuated from the center and 334 of them have been sent
to hospital and 700 sent to quarantine center.
The Police cordoned off the entire neighborhood of Nizamuddin
West and virtually sealed it following fears that some people at the ‘Markaz’ may
have contracted COVID-19.
The people who attended the congregation at the Markaz and
have returned to their native places were showing symptoms of Corona virus
attack on them. As many as six persons who returned to Telangana from Delhi
have died due to the fatal virus attack. There were COIVD- 19 positive cases
emerging from at least five regions of India including J&K, Tamil Nadu, Telengana,
Andhra Pradesh and the Andaman and Nicobar islands.
The officials said the congregation violated the lock down
conditions and several COVID-19 positive cases have been found among those who
attended the gathering. An FIR against the Markaz head has been filed. The
government has appealed to all those who had attended the congregation prayers
in Delhi must inform the authorities.
Responding to this, the Jamat Markaz in Nizamuddin in a press
release has said that the Markaz is the international headquarters of Tabilghi
Jamaat for close to 100 years. Visitors/guests/devotees/worshipers from across
the globe throng the place for pre-scheduled programs lasting for no more than
3-5 days. All the programs are decided a year in advance in order to facilitate
visitors from far-off places to plan their participation.
On 22nd March 2020 during the “Janta Curfew” the ongoing
program in Markaz was discontinued but due to sudden cancelation of rail
services across the country, a large group of visitors who had to depart by rail
got stuck in the Markaz premises.
However, before the “Janta Curfew” could be lifted at 9 PM on
March 22, Delhi CM announced lock down of Delhi beginning at 6 AM on March 23, till
March 31st. The press release further said that this actually diminished
any chances of these stranded visitors to avail road transport for their
journey back home. However, in spite the challenging situation Markaz was able
to send about fifteen hundred visitors back.
On March 24, 2029, a nationwide lock down was announced by the
Prime Minister with clear message for people to stay-put wherever they are. Markaz
under such circumstances had no other option than to accommodate the stranded
visitors in its premises.
Markaz press release further says that on March 24, a notice
was served seeking closure of the premises and on the same day it responded to
the directions given by informing that there are still around 1000 visitors in
the Markaz. A request was made by the Markaz to issue vehicle passes so that
the remaining people could be sent back to their native places. However, the requisite permission was not
given, the press release said.

The press release said that the Markaz is willing to offer
the entire premises as a quarantine facility and help the authorities tide-over
the challenge of current pandemic.
No if we analyze the media attribution to the Tablighi Markaz
at Delhi to be the carrier of corona virus then it clearly emerges as a case of
false or one sided reporting.
No report says that the religious congregation was held from
March 13 to 15 and not during the period of lock down. The function was held
with due permission of the government and the government did not ban the
function even though the specter of Corona virus loomed large.
No media is questioning why the government issued visas to
the foreigners to attend the function. Why the officials did not subjected to
the foreigners to any medical checkup and quarantines them at the airport. It is certain that if the foreign invitees to
the congregation were screened and tested at the airport, then the Corona virus
could have been detected and all the deaths that have followed could have been
avoided. Is not this a criminal negligence on the part of government and does
not government responsible for such negligence.
And now when the COVID -19 has erupted in a big way then the
propaganda against the Markaz has started. And this is because no one can
question the government and the people in power as they are infallible and
above the law.
The blame on the organization such as Markaz is the set theme
of Islamophobia and in this both traditional and social media are a party. Both
kinds of media are indulging in blame game to cover the short comings of the
government and to change focus of attention from the human tragedy that spilled
following the 21 day lock down of the country.

As the government is responsible for the mass murder during
the recent Delhi riot, it is equally responsible for the Corona death at the
Tablighi Jammat Markaz in Delhi.
Syed Ali Mujtaba is a journalist based in Chennai. He can be
contacted at