Revamp Faith Based Mental
Care Healing Centers in India
Syed Ali Mujtaba
The news of Supreme Court’s intervention in freeing some twenty
two mentally-ill persons chained at a faith-based mental center in a Dargah in
Badaun, Uttar Pradesh is bit surprising.
Surprising not because the mentally ill people were freed at
the orders of the Supreme Court but because the Apex Court has jumped the gun
without going into the merits of chaining and taking into account only the
human rights angle.

Badaun district authorities acting on the Supreme Court’s observations freed
the 22 mentally-ill patients and handed them over to their family members. They
never considered that these patients were brought by their family members to
such a healing centre because they were unfit to live in the society as they
were creating social tension. The mental asylums after admitting the patients had
put them in chains because that’s the only way they can start the healing
before pronouncing judgment on such cases, SC may have a thought how best such
mentally ill patients could have been treated and in such context may have
underscored the utility of faith based mental healing centre and have suggested
ways and means to improve the mental health care treatment.
The Badaun Dargah is one among many much mental care spiritual
centres in India. The Erwadi Dargah is another such mental health care center in
Tamil Nadu. This faith based mental
center hogged the limelight in 2001, where fire broke out there, burning alive
some 40 mentally ill patients who were chained and unable to escape the flames.
The Erwadi Dargah is 200 years old faith based healing centre
for mentally ill patients in Tamil Nadu. It is the abode of Hazrat Sultan Syed
Ibrahim Saeed who died in 1792.
The Erwadi Dargah incident was one of the most horrifying
tragedies in the recent times. However, much water has flown down the bridge
since then and now. The Tamil Nadu government has totally revamped the
treatment pattern of the mentally ill at the Dargah, while still maintaining
the sanctity of the spiritual based healing process.
The Tamil Nadu government in 2013 launched Mental Health
Programme at Eawadi Dargah and launched a comprehensive mental healthcare scheme
called the ‘Dawa-Dua’ programme. The government while acknowledging the spiritual
healing power of the Daragah, opened a psychiatric clinic to scientifically treat
the patients within the Dargah premises,
Initially there was some resistance for setting up the clinic
in the dargah as some people believed that mental illness is due to the evil
spirits captivating the body and can be freed by prayers for forgiveness by the
spiritual healers.
However, after some
persuasion such people were convinced
that the medicines can work inside the dargah premises more better because its
power may magnify by the blessings of the holy ‘Saint,’ who lies buried in the
Soon after the setting up of the psychiatric clinic under
‘Dawa-Dua’ programme, the tarnished fame of the healing power of the Erwadi
Dargah increased many fold. The news of the astonishing treatment under clinical
and spiritual guidance sunk well among the people who started flocking in the Erwadi
Dargah once again.
The shrine receives 1000 visitors each day some being mentally
ill patients. Those having violent symptoms are chained within the dargah's
premises after that they receive treatment at new psychiatric clinic, “Dawa-Dua”.
Its only after their nerves get cooled they
are set free to carry out the rest of the treatment till they are fully cured. There
are reports that more than 1,000 patients have so far been cured since the
launch of the launch of the “Dawa-Dua” programme.
So successful is the programme that it has sparked interest
among other religious community especially Christian faith and they are visiting
the Erwadi Dargha to study the programme to replicate in their own religious
Boyed by the successful implementation of the ‘Dawa-Dua’ programme,
the state government has earmarked an additional Rs 7.5 lakh to build a 50-bed
psychiatric hospital at the dargah premises.
The faith based mental centers especially the Muslim shrine
are dotting the Indian landscape. In such places, the arguments over faith
versus science do not work. Mostly destitute and poor flocks to the Dargah to get
cured through the spiritual healing process as they believe that the evil
spirit from their body can be warded off only through faith based healing
So one can say what one want about such faith based healing system but
the fact remains that the results clearly explains that it is inexplicable and to
which modern science have no answers.
It is due to the social pull factor of the Erwadi dargah that
the Tamil Nadu government has established a psychiatric clinic there. The mentally
ill here get psychotherapy treatment and also spiritual healing at the Dargah
It would be in fit of things if the Supreme Court had ordered
the Uttar Pradesh government to revamp the mental centre at the Badaun Dargah
on the lines of Earwadi Dargah. Even, it could have passed a suo motto order
that all such faith based healing centres should be upgraded as faith and
science healing centers.
However, euphemistically one can say that just like the
statue of justice that is blind folded, the learned seers of justice have
delivered the judgment missing the trunk from the branches of the tree.
Syed Ali
Mujtaba is a journalist based in Chennai. He can be contacted at